Dakota Medical Foundation (DMF) and Impact Foundation have selected Hospice of the Red River Valley to participate in the 2018 Giving Hearts Day, a 24-hour online fundraising event that will be held on Feb. 8, 2018. When you make a donation of $10 or more on that day at givingheartsday.org, your donation to Hospice of the Red River Valley will be matched, up to $20,000, thanks to a generous donor. To participate and have the impact of your donation multiplied, visit givingheartsday.org on Feb. 8 and select Hospice of the Red River Valley.
For more information regarding Hospice of the Red River Valley or Giving Hearts Day, contact Bonnie Oelschlager, marketing & communications manager with Hospice of the Red River Valley, at 701-356-1524 or bonnie.oelschlager@hrrv.org.