Remembrance Service – Detroit Lakes

Detroit Lakes Public Library 1000 Washington Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN, United States

Gather with us as we remember and honor those who have died through a remembrance service. This is a peaceful time to reflect on the loss of someone special in …

Remembrance Service – Fargo

Hospice of the Red River Valley (Fargo) 1701 38th St. S., Suite 101, Fargo, ND, United States

Gather with us as we remember and honor those who have died through a remembrance service. This is a peaceful time to reflect on the loss of someone special in …

Remembrance Service – East Grand Forks

EGF Campbell Library 422 4th St NW, East Grand Forks, MN

Gather with us as we remember and honor those who have died through a remembrance service. This is a peaceful time to reflect on the loss of someone special in …