At Heirlooms Thrift & Gift, We’re fortunate to have many dedicated volunteers who give generously of their time and talents to support the store—and Hospice of the Red River Valley’s mission. The Volunteer Spotlight celebrates their contributions to the store and organization.
Click here to find more information about our volunteer program and learn how to apply.
Volunteer: Joyce Boss
Location: Fargo, N.D.
Volunteer role: Heirlooms Thrift & Gift volunteer
Volunteering since: 2015
Why do you choose to volunteer with Heirlooms?
While shopping I was in Heirlooms, everyone seemed genuinely happy to help. Everyone wore smiles. I had also used Hospice of the Red River Valley for my husband.
Describe your favorite volunteer memory.
Every day is a different memory. The people you work with and the customers. I also appreciate always hearing the thank yous when leaving.
How does it make you feel to know your work at Heirlooms support Hospice of the Red River Valley’s mission?
Great, as they were wonderful in the care for my husband.
What is your favorite aspect of Heirlooms?
Happy place to volunteer.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Fifty years of great marriage, four children and 26 years of singing with the Sweet Adeline chorus.
Do you have any hidden talents?
Singing since grade school. Anything else is very hidden.
Describe your perfect day.
A lot of fall sunshine full of laughter.
What is your favorite food to make or eat?
Pot roast with potato, carrots, onion
What hobbies to you enjoy?
Swedish weaving. Watching the Twins (win or lose).
Do you have a motto or philosophy you live by? What is it and why?
Keep positive. Nix on negativity.
If you had no fear, what would you do?
Skydive and bungee jump.