Dakota Medical Foundation
Giving Hearts Day
onlineThursday, Feb. 8 is Giving Hearts Day! Your gift to Hospice of the Red River Valley is more than a donation. It's a gift of comfort, dignity and respect. On Giving Hearts Day, your donation can make a significant impact in the lives of those we care for: "We keep thinking and speaking of the enormous …
Giving Hearts Day 2020
Hospice of the Red River Valley will once again participate in this 24-hour online day of giving. Please be a giving heart and make your donation to support our important mission. To participate, make your donation on Feb. 13, 2020 at bit.ly/HRRV_GHD_2020. You can give the gift of comfort on Giving Hearts Day! Thanks to …
Giving Hearts Day 2021
Dakota Medical Foundation 4141 28th Ave. S., Fargo, ND, United StatesHospice of the Red River Valley will once again participate in this 24-hour online day of giving. Please be a giving heart and make your donation to support our important mission. To participate, make your donation on Feb. 11, 2021 at givingheartsday.org You can give the gift of tender care on Giving Hearts Day! Thanks …
Giving Hearts Day 2022
Virtual/Online ND, United StatesHospice of the Red River Valley will once again participate in this 24-hour online day of giving. Please be a giving heart and make your donation to support our important mission. To participate, make your donation on Feb. 10, 2022, at givingheartsday.org. You can give the gift of tender care on Giving Hearts Day! Thanks …