Make a Referral

Hospice Care Referrals

If you are caring for someone who may meet the medical guidelines for hospice care, we encourage you to contact us sooner rather than later.

There are several ways to refer a patient to Hospice of the Red River Valley:

  • With patient/family permission, review the situation with a Hospice staff member by calling
    (800) 237-4629
    If a Hospice staff member is in your facility, he or she will also be able to answer questions.
  • Complete the HIPAA-secure Referral Form on our website.      

Hospice Online Referral Form Button

What you can expect after contacting Hospice of the Red River Valley:

  • A quick response and visit when it is convenient for the individual and his/her family
  •  Reassurance that he or she has made a good decision in calling Hospice of the Red River Valley
  •  Information without obligation
  • Respect for the patient’s decision, whether it involves Hospice of the Red River Valley or not

Next Steps
If your patient chooses to enroll in hospice care, we will reach out to the attending physician for his/her consent for admission and complete the other necessary paperwork to begin services.