“Everyone was so kind to my family as we were struggling with losing our mom and wife. You have also been such a blessing to my dad and myself by calling or visiting.”
“Words are inadequate to describe how much we appreciated all your loving care.”
“Words cannot express our thanks for all your care, kind words and support. We never doubted the decisions or care our loved one received from your staff.”
“Without all of you and without all of your help and support, the extended time with our mom would not have been possible. For us, that is priceless. Thank you!”
“Thank you to all the wonderful staff at Hospice. You serve a vital purpose during the end of life.”
“Thank you so much for the opportunity we had to bring mom home. She was so happy to do that. Thanks also for all the support you gave us and words or encouragement.”
“Thank you for the wonderful help you provide during the most difficult and sorrowful time. You have been a comfort beyond measure.”
“Thank you so much for your support, guidance and attention to detail for our dad’s final journey. We so appreciate everything.”
“I saw your compassionate, loving staff tend to the needs of my friend, physically, emotionally and spiritually. She was in good hands! With thanks and love.”
“Your compassion and kindness helped mom, and us, get through the toughest hours of her life. Thank you.”
“We had always heard very good things about Hospice, but now we know firsthand just how special everyone is.”
“Thank you for the care and respect you gave to our son. Also, for the kindness shown to our family as we cared for him in his final journey.”
“You allowed our loved one to pass on into the next life in the heavens with dignity, grace and peace. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
“Thank you for the wonderful care you gave our loved one. You all treated him with respect and love, just as if he was a member of your own family. We will be forever grateful to all of you.”
“Your kindness and compassion are unmatched by anything I’ve been around. This world is a lot better because of the people of Hospice.”
“We know that without your help, we would never have gotten our loved one home. For this, we will be eternally grateful.”
“Thanks for caring for our family and bringing us closer together as a family.”
“Hospice is a truly marvelous organization. They offer health assistance, compassion and counseling to people with terminal illnesses. It isn’t always for someone who is just days away from death.”
“Hospice of the Red River Valley gave me the tools I needed to heal from my own experience and gave me confidence in those skills to be able to help others. I am forever grateful.”
“You came into our lives and became a part of our family immediately. Words alone cannot begin to express what a blessing each and every one of you has been to us.”
“You were able to reassure us when we needed it and allowed our loved on to pass with dignity and beauty. You have touched our lives when we were the most fragile, and we are blessed for knowing all of you.”
“Thank you for being supportive of my mom the past 10 months. She always seemed happy and that is all that mattered.”
“Thank you for being of service and caring for my dear mother. She is now in heaven and singing your praises.”