Honoring and remembering those who have died, but touched our lives, can be an important step in the path to healing.
Hospice of the Red River Valley invites you to remember those individuals in your life who have died. In this memorial and remembrance service video, Hospice staff members will guide you to honor their memories and find solace in your grief.
This is a time to remember—a time to gather with community—a community whose common bond is one none of us choose, but all of us become a part of at some point in our lives. Our common bond is one of grief and loss, but it is also a bond of walking the journey and a bond of healing.
Hospice of the Red River Valley can help support you through your grief journey. Learn more about our grief support offerings, or call (800) 237-4629 and ask to speak to the grief department.
This service was written by Janna Kontz, Hospice of the Red River Valley grief specialist. © 2021 by Hospice of the Red River Valley. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced or republished without express written permission from Hospice of the Red River Valley.