The Blessing of Care: Why I Chose Hospice Care

Brenda and Corky, her momDear friends,

Brenda and Corky

My mother received hospice care, and when I reflect on what they did for our family, I am inspired to share our story.

My beautiful mom, Corky, had dementia and other medical complications. Since my father’s passing eight years ago, my brother and I had the privilege of caring for her. Mom’s health took a turn for the worse a few years ago; she lost weight, had frequent infections and other challenges that resulted in several stays in the hospital, and more were likely. We hadn’t given up hope, but I knew continued medical intervention was not the answer. We just wanted comfort, and to continue caring for her in the same thoughtful way she had cared for us all our lives.

We welcomed Hospice of the Red River Valley into Mom’s memory care residence earlier this summer, and the care was a blessing. I knew Hospice would provide for Mom’s medical needs, but was touched to see they do so much more.

The chaplain knew my mom was a Christian and thoughtfully read her favorite Bible verses and played her favorite hymns on the ukulele. The social worker ensured we had resources to cope, and the certified nursing assistants kept her looking her best. I appreciated the phone calls I received from mom’s registered nurses; they kept us informed and helped us understand any changes. And the volunteers that gave of their time have a special place in my heart. I feared dementia would take away mom’s identity and dignity. But to the Hospice staff, she was not a patient, she was a person, like their own mother.

Even though mom communicated very little, I knew she was content and at peace. I saw the love in her eyes and the joy in her smile every day. If she could have said so herself, she was surely appreciative and thankful for Hospice’s gentle, loving care.

The Hospice team members are not just medical experts. They are people who care deeply. When a loved one’s health is failing, timing is so important. I am thankful we didn’t wait any longer to contact Hospice. I know we made the right decision. They gave us more quality time with mom through their gift of expert care. All of this changed my perspective, and I became more intentional with the time I had with her and chose to find joy in the difficulty.

I am grateful to Hospice of the Red River Valley for giving my mom quality care, respect, dignity and comfort, and for the extra family time. They are a gift to our community and provide help and compassionate care to so many people like my mom. Hospice of the Red River Valley needs our support. Will you join me in giving to this valuable mission?

Warmest regards,

Brenda Podolak

Please support the work of Hospice of the Red River Valley with your donation. Through your generosity, we can fulfill our important mission and help families experience more meaningful moments together.




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